Main/Appeals of citizens/Electronic appeals of legal entities

Electronic appeals of legal entities

Electronic appeals of citizens shall be sent to the e-mail address or by means of the electronic form below.

In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, all fields are mandatory.

Consideration of electronic appeals

(Law of the Republic of Belarus of 18 July 2011 No. 300-З "On appeals of citizens and legal entities")

Electronic appeals received by state authorities and other state organizations are subject to consideration in accordance with the procedure established for the consideration of written appeals taking into account the peculiarities stipulated by Article 25 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of 18 July 2011 No. 300-З "On appeals of citizens and legal entities". Electronic appeals received by the organizations not listed in the first part of paragraph 1 of Article 25 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of 18 July 2011 No. 300‑З "On appeals of citizens and legal entities" shall not be considered unless other procedure for such appeals is determined by the head of the organization (superior organization).

Electronic appeals shall be written in the Belarusian or Russian language and contain the email address of the applicant.

Written appeals of citizens (except for comments and (or) suggestions introduced into the book of comments and suggestions in accordance with the form of the book of comments and suggestions established by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus) shall contain the name and (or) address of the organization or the position of the person to whom the appeal is made; name, surname, patronymic (if any) or initials of the citizen, his/her residence address (place of stay); statement of the essence of the appeal.

Written appeals of legal entities shall contain the name and (or) address of the organization or the position of the person to whom the appeal is made; full name of the legal entity and its location; statement of the essence of the appeal; name, surname, patronymic (if any) or initials of the head or person authorized to sign appeals. Electronic copies of the documents confirming their authority shall be attached to the electronic appeals submitted by the representatives of the applicants.

Documents on the results of the previous consideration of appeals and other documents and (or) information necessary to address the issues set forth in the appeals may be additionally attached. Acceptable formats of attached documents and (or) information in electronic form and their graphic images on paper (scans) are Portable Document Format/A (PDF/A), Office Open XML (DOCX), double format with markup (DOC), Rich Text Format (RTF), text file (TXT), Open Document Format (ODT), data archiving and compression format (ZIP, RAR), Portable Network Graphics (PNG), Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), Joint Photograph Experts Group (JPEG), Joint Photograph Group (JPG).

In case of non-compliance with the requirements specified in parts one and two of paragraph 2 of Article 25 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of 18 July 2011 No. 300‑З "On appeals of citizens and legal entities", the electronic appeal may be left without due consideration according to the procedure established by paragraph 4 of Article 15 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of 18 July 2011 No. 300-З "On appeals of citizens and legal entities"

The withdrawal of an electronic appeal is carried out by submitting a written application or sending an application in the electronic form in the same way the electronic appeal was made.

If for the due consideration of an electronic appeal it is necessary to indicate the personal data of the applicant or other persons, with the exception of those contained in the appeal, the applicant shall be invited to make an oral or written appeal.

In case incoming electronic appeals of similar content from different applicants are of a mass nature (more than ten appeals), responses to such appeals may be posted on the official website of a state authority or other state organization in the global computer network Internet without sending answers (notifications) to applicants upon the decision of the head of a state authority, other state organization or a person authorized by him/her to sign responses to appeals in accordance with the established procedure.

Полное наименование юридического лица*
ФИО, либо инициалы гражданина*
Адрес электронной почты*
Почтовый адрес
(адрес места жительства и/или работы (учебы)*
Почтовый индекс
Текст обращения*
Прикрепить файл
Введите символы с картинки*

* - обязательные поля